Service Project

The Conference Service Project is an extracurricular activity for those who might be interested in giving back to the local community.

Shared Bread

Shared Bread is a non-profit, volunteer-driven program that works with community neighbors, businesses, schools, and civic organizations to ease the burden of people without food or homes. They were established in 1992 and provide a hot meal and resources each Wednesday. 

How Can I Get Involved?

Bring an Item to Donate (open to all attendees)
 Attendees are encouraged to bring a material item (or items) that will be handed out to Shared Bread's weekly visitors. Needed items include socks (adult but all sizes welcome), shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, razors, toilet paper, body wipes. (Stores to purchase these items are available in Redondo Beach, but they are located a fair distance from the conference site.)

Volunteer In Person at Shared Bread (limited to 4 volunteers, 18 years of age and older)
 Travel to Shared Bread to work alongside other volunteers, cleaning up the dining room, drying dishes, etc. The donated items will also be delivered at this time.

Interested in Volunteering?

When:  Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-8:00pm (end time may be earlier than 8:00 pm)

Where: Shared Bread is located at 243 South Broadway, a 16-minute walk or very short taxi ride from the conference hotel. TAICEP will coordinate travel as a group to and from Shared Bread. Volunteers are asked to cover the cost of their own transportation, if necessary.

How: Submit your name and a brief (maximum 10 sentences) introduction about yourself and your interest in this volunteer opportunity via email to the Service Project Coordinator, Susan Whipple ( no later than September 15th. In the event that requests outweigh the number of spots available, our goal will be to select a balanced representation across regions and organizations. We recognize that many people, including family members who join conference attendees (but don't attend the conference), may be interested in volunteering. Priority will be given to TAICEP conference registrants, with adult family members placed on a "wait list". If you (or family members) aren't able to participate you can still support the mission of Shared Bread and the vital work they do. Please see above for information about the donations needed by Shared Bread.

All questions are welcome and should be directed to Susan Whipple (

TAICEP is not an official sponsor of this volunteer opportunity and assumes no liability for participants or endorsement.

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